Heal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo Anokye
+233 20 551 6330
Ashanti - Ghana
Heal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo Anokye


Please make donations to “Heal Komfo Anokye” using the following details.

Fidelity Bank
Account Name: Heal Komfo Anokye
Account Number (GHS): 2400302340016
Account Number (USD): 1951302340017
Swift code: FBLIGHAC
Branch: Ahodow

MTN Mobile Money

Phone: 0544195525
Merchant ID: 195525

USSD Short Code
: *776*1955#


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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