Heal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo Anokye
+233 20 551 6330
Ashanti - Ghana
Heal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo AnokyeHeal Komfo Anokye

Proposed Solutions

Proposed Solutions and Scope of Work

The proposed solutions are innovative and aim to address the various challenges and issues identified during the assessment.

To improve the overall aesthetics of the wards, the consultants have recommended the replacement of worn-out roofs and peeling paints. They have also proposed the installation of ceiling works in the wards to give a more comfortable and welcoming atmosphere to patients.
To improve patient safety and comfort, the consultants have proposed the replacement of the outdated and rusted beds with modern and comfortable ones. They have also recommended the installation of firefighting systems, including hose reels and sprinklers, to mitigate the risk of fire outbreaks in the wards. Additionally, they have suggested the installation of modern fire hydrants within the hospital premises to enable quick and efficient control of any fire outbreak.
To address the issue of exposed plumbing systems and drainage, the consultants have recommended the installation of a new plumbing system that is concealed within the walls of the wards. They have also proposed the installation of modern and functional medical gas piping to ensure that patients have access to an adequate supply of medical gases.
To ensure that the hospital's electrical systems are safe and efficient, the consultants have proposed the replacement of old wiring and sub-feeder cables with new and updated ones. They have also recommended the installation of fire alarm and detection systems, as well as lightning protection systems, to safeguard against electrical hazards.
To improve communication between staff, patients, and visitors, the consultants have recommended the installation of data, telephone, and television networks within the wards. They have also suggested the installation of nurses paging systems and public address systems to enable effective communication between staff and patients.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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